Here’s how you keep moving forward when you are heartbroken. In case it helps, I thought I’d pass it on to you, too. What I told her on our call that day was really what I was telling myself. We talked for maybe 20 minutes, but 20 minutes was all it took. It’s amazing how one minute you can think you’re doing fine and then the next minute you see something you didn’t mean to see online, or the person who was supposed to call doesn’t call, or the pieces of the puzzle of your life don’t fall exactly as you planned-and suddenly you realize how fragile you’ve been all along. Her question came at an interesting time for me, since I had just spent most of my night spinning and swirling exactly the way she was talking about. I got a text from a friend recently that said: “When you are heartbroken, how can you stop the swirling, spinning thoughts that seem to derail you? How can you keep moving forward?”