By clicking on a particular day it shows you all the details. You can see on which days you’ve missed the workout. Calendar: It shows you the days you were exercising.By swiping left or right you navigate to future or past. Detailed list: A list with most of the information will show you exercises, the count of reps, sets and weight for every day.You have several options how to show the history of workouts: StrongLifts 5×5 app has your health on its mind and that’s why it prepares a set for warming up. Based on success or failure, the resting time countdown starts. With one click you set it as done, with multiple clicks you modify the number of reps you made. You can enter the number and weight of your plates and it calculates which one to use. You can change starting weights or their increase. But the app doesn’t restrict you if you have different personal goals. So you don’t get stuck with the same weight. You start on low weights and with each workout, it increases. They strengthen different muscle groups and you are alternating them during the week. There are two types of workouts – A and B. I can only give you information about how the app works. I don’t want to judge if it’s a good workout and predict what your results will be. There are “how to videos” right in the app too. You can read more about 5×5 on website of the app’s author. If you want to, you can add some additional exercises to your workouts but it’s only optional. Here, you are working out with a barbell – squats, deadlifts, shoulder press, bent over row and bench press. It is the huge difference from all the other apps that have hundreds of exercises and I don’t know which one to choose. You just have 5 exercises that you repeat 5 times in 5 sets.

Not only the app is minimalistic, the whole idea of a 5×5 workout is pretty clear. StrongLifts 5×5 is a very good example of simplicity. It is an important part of every specific sport or even sport in general. But today I would like to show you an app that focuses on weightlifting. My favourite workouts are dynamic – running and biking.